My name is Nupur Behera and I am an educator, counselor, and artist born and raised the LA area.
My path into this work comes from my roots ~ my tradition, culture, family, and community. It is the foundation of my practice, which has been passed down from my mother, my aunties, activists, artists, my village, and the many that have come before me.
Formally, I have worked with youth and families through the education system since I was a youth myself. My focus is to cultivate tools of healing, empowerment, and critical analysis through community, connection, storytelling, and art. I am a graduate of UC Berkeley, and have a background in teaching, counseling, & community organizing. I am a student of the Buddhist tradition and am in the process of uncovering my own history through the traditional Indian art forms of dance and tattoo.
This is a space to hold my offerings, and I am always down to learn and to find creative ways to support community. Please contact me at to learn more.